How to Add an Item
Note: In order to add an item, the role of the logged-in user must include edit access to the Items feature.
You are able to add an item from the Manage Items form. Once added, the new item is available for performing physical inventory counts and inventory moves. To add an item, refer to the steps below.
- Select Manage > Items from the menu bar to reach the Manage Items form.
- The Manage Items form appears.
- To add an item, select the Add icon in the bottom right area of the form.
- The Add Item form appears.
- Item Tab: The Item tab is to the front. Enter basic information about the item at this tab.
- Item# (required): Enter the item number in the Item# field.
- Alt. Number (optional): Enter the alternate item number in the Alt. Number field.
- Description (optional): Enter the description in the Description field.
- Serialized checkbox (available when the Serial Numbers setting is ON for the division):
- when marked, a serial number is required when adding this item to inventory.
- when unmarked, a serial number is not allowed for this item when adding it to inventory.
- Lots checkbox (available when the Lots setting is ON for the division):
- when marked, a lot is required when adding this item to inventory.
- when unmarked, a lot is not allowed when adding this item to inventory.
- Expiration Dates checkbox (available when the Expiration Dates setting is ON for the division):
- when marked, an expiration date is required when adding this item to inventory.
- when unmarked, an expiration date is not required when adding this item to inventory.
- Assets checkbox (available only if the role of the logged-in user contains the Assets feature):
- when marked, this item is an asset-item type, meaning that you may add assets to this item.
- when unmarked, this item is not an asset-item type. You may not add any assets to this item.
- RFID: checkbox (available only if the default division uses RFID):
- when marked, this item will accept an RFID tag when it is added to inventory (though it is not required).
- when unmarked, this item will not accept an RFID tag when it is added to inventory.
- Lookup Tab: Associate an item lookup with the item (optional).
- Category: select the drop-down arrow and select a category from the list that appears.
- Manufacturer: select the drop-down arrow and select a manufacturer from the list that appears.
- Model: select the drop-down arrow and select a model from the list that appears.
- UDF 1 Tab: Enter customized information about the item in the user-defined fields available at the UDF 1tab. Click the UDF 1 tab to bring this portion of the form to the front.
- UDF 2 Tab: This tab contains four UDF fields. They correlate to the UDF fields at the Add/Edit Item form in the web application. Use of these fields is optional.
- Item UDF07-Item UDF08: are text fields and allow test, numeric, and character input.
- UDF 23 field: an integer field that allows numeric input only.
- UDF 24 field: a date field that allows date input only (i.e., mm/dd/yyyy).
- UOM Tab: when the Multiple units of measure setting is marked for the logged-in user's default division, at least one unit of measure is required for the item. Add a unit of measure to an item at the UOM Tab. Click the UOM Tab to bring it to the front.
- Each item must be assigned at least one unit of measure with an each count. If your division does not use multiple units of measure, the item will be automatically assigned the system default unit of measure. To add a unit of measure to the item, tap the UOM tab to bring it to the front.
- To add a unit of measure from the UOM tab, select the green Add icon.
- The Add Unit of Measure form appears.
- At this form, select the unit of measure from the Unit of Measure field drop-down list. (The selections available are from the Units of Measure lookup table in the IntelliTrack web application.)
- The unit of measure is entered in the Unit of Measure field.
- Next, enter an each count for this unit of measure in the Each Count field.
- To save this unit of measure to the item, select the Save icon.
- The Add Item Unit of Measure form closes. You are returned to the Add Item form. The unit of measure has been added to the item.
- You may add additional units of measure to the item as needed.
- When you entered all item information, tap the Save icon to save the item to the system.
The Add Item form closes and you are returned to the Manage Items form. (If you want to cancel adding this item, tap the
Cancel icon to discard the item information, close the Add Item form, and return to the Manage Items form.)
- IntelliTrack Mobile RF: the item is immediately added to the main application database.
- IntelliTrack Mobile Batch: the item is added to the mobile application database and will be it will be incorporated into the main database after the data is uploaded to the main IntelliTrack application.
- Tap the ok button or the Windows Close icon (X) found in the top right corner of the form to close the Manage Items form and return to the Main form.